The COVID- 19 pandemic has impacted various socio-economic sectors around the world. Many
immerging sectors are struggling to cope up with the situation in the wake of an unprecedented demand
shock and shut down of all key economic activities that drive growth.
Now additionally, coronavirus pandemic has also started showing its effect on real estate market and
many big questions left unanswered like ‘whether the demand of owned home will increase aftermath
of coronavirus outbreak?’ ‘What is the best time to buy for to purchase own home?’
RBA realtor’s expert team feel that this the right time to buy your dream home, clients who are likely to
buy a house will get some better deals may go up soon. Moreover, residential real estate is its best now
with lower interest rates and the buyers’ market.
Aftermath of COVID-19, people realised the importance of their own home. This pandemic situation has
established the fact that own home is way better than dealing with the uncertainties of living in rented
accommodation. It is an asset class in their investment basket, which is a more reliable option and fixed
Those, who are chasing to own a house then it is definitely a good news for them to take the plunge. It is
no time to wait for further because of boosted real estate market who is providing you home loans at
cheaper interest rates and allow for considerable investment for a class of people. This helps to widen
the choice in terms of a bigger home with better amenities and lifestyle facilities.
Therefore, every situation has two aspects positive and negative, if one take it positively this pandemic
situation to invest in real estate, then this expensive financial commitment can be fulfilled in this right
time. It is an opportunity in form of lowest home loan interest which is available now. So, go ahead with
RBA realtors and make its best use and fulfil your dream of having own home.